




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Holy Thunderforce


    专辑:Dawn of Victory

    作词:Luca Turilli/ Alex Staropoli

    作曲:Luca Turilli/ Alex Staropoli

    制谱人:Paul Pinos

    Yo la toco asi,  disculpen cualquier error

    节拍: ♩ = 180

    Rhapsody - Holy Thunderforce   神圣之雷电力量

    face me evil bastard, smell the hate of angels 面对我,邪恶的家伙!感受天使的憎恨
    glory, pride and bloodshed 荣誉,骄傲和鲜血
    cowards and beholders, rapers of my wisdom 懦夫和旁观者,我永远不屑担当
    mix of dust and bones 混合着尘土与尸骨
    go back to your abyss, algalord will not fall 滚回你们的深渊,阿加洛永不沦陷
    but your heads will soon roll 但你们的头颅很快会落地
    test the blade of heroes, fury of the thunder 试试英雄的锋刃,充满了雷电的愤怒
    hit my golden shield 击打我的金盾

    so we'll fight against the wind for the glory of the kings 为了国王的荣耀,我们将迎风战斗
    to defeat the evil enemies 击败所有邪恶的敌人
    and we'll ride with our lord for the power and the throne 为了权力与王座,我们将与国王并肩战斗
    in the name of holy thunderforce 以神圣的雷电力量之名

    arwald and aresius with the nordic warrior 阿渥德和阿瑞塞斯,以及北方的勇士
    on their way to hargor 在前往哈戈的路上
    chaos and oblivion, turmoil and disorder 混沌与遗忘,骚动和混乱
    will have now their name 将一一呈现
    the last fallen heroes will defeat your forces 降临的英雄将会挫败你们的军队
    thousand spirits calling 千万个灵魂在呼唤
    on the furthest mountain i will see your fire 在遥远的山脉我将看见你们的火焰
    quenched by holy frost! 被神圣的霜冻所熄灭

    so we'll fight against the wind for the glory of the kings 为了国王的荣耀,我们将迎风战斗
    to defeat the evil enemies 击败所有邪恶的敌人
    and we'll ride with our lord for the power and the throne 为了权力与王座,我们将与国王并肩战斗
    in the name of holy thunderforce 以神圣的雷电力量之名

    face me evil bastard, smell the hate of angels 面对我,邪恶的家伙,感受天使的憎恨
    glory, pride and bloodshed 荣誉,骄傲和鲜血
    cowards and beholders, rapers of my wisdom 懦夫和旁观者,我永远不屑担当
    mix of dust and bones 混合着尘土与尸骨
    go back to your abyss, algalord will not fall 滚回你们的深渊,阿加洛永不沦陷
    but your heads will soon roll 但你们的头颅很快会落地
    test the blade of heroes, fury of the thunder 试试英雄的锋刃,充满了雷电的愤(*≧m≦*)
    hit my golden shield 击打我的金盾

    so we'll fight against the wind for the glory of the kings 为了国王的荣耀,我们将迎风战斗
    to defeat the evil enemies 击败所有邪恶的敌人
    and we'll ride with our lord for the power and the throne 为了权力与王座,我们将与国王并肩战斗
    in the name of holy thunderforce 以神圣的雷电力量之名
    so we'll fight against the wind for the glory of the kings 为了国王的荣耀,我们将迎风战斗
    to defeat the evil enemies 击败所有邪恶的敌人
    and we'll ride with our lord for the power and the throne 为了权力与王座,我们将与国王并肩战斗
    in the name of holy thunderforce 以神圣的雷电力量之名
    so we'll fight against the wind for the glory of the kings 为了国王的荣耀,我们将迎风战斗
    to defeat the evil enemies 击败所有邪恶的敌人
    and we'll ride with our lord for the power and the throne 为了权力与王座,我们将与国王并肩战斗
    in the name of holy thunderforce 以神圣的雷电力量之名
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