标题:Falling Up - Islander
艺人:Falling Up
专辑:Exit Lights
指示:碾 觐痧尻蝽铋 疣犷螓 礤钺躅滂 1-, 2-铋 镱痱?
翌 礤 蝈徨 xD
袜殇栩 桧蝈痦弪 篑蜞眍忤蝈 忸 -
YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer
玉蜞眍忤腓, 蝈镥瘘 耱噔桁 镱痱...
蒡 溴豚弪? 戾睨
"物鲨? ===> "袜耱痤殛 玮箨?
蔓汶滂 蜞辁
项痱 | 玉蝠铋耱忸
2 | YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer
袜犷 桧耱痼戾眚钼 (忸 怦艴 耱噔桁 General
General MIDI
袜鬣腩 2011
Moderate ♩ = 107
I couldn't catch my breath
Or calculate my death
Designs of secret lace
And now I'm lost in space
And now it comes to this
I'll close the door
There's no one home
I'll catch my breath
But why half live?
Alone. Isolation. Half live.
The creaking of the gate
The spies they hide and wait
You think I'm deaf to hear
But my cameras are everywhere
And now it's come to this
I'll close the door
There's no one home
I'll catch my breath
But why half live?
Blinking lights
Survey the sides
My isolated world
Blinking lights
Survey the sides
Things get stranger
Blinking lights
Survey the sides
Lost and alone
Blinking lights
Survey the sides
Things get stranger
Everywhere I go
I'll close the door
There's no one home
I'll catch my breath
But why half live?
(A life alone
A day of frost
A heart of stone
A moment's lost
Another cause
A purpose tossed
Another friendship lost)
Everywhere I go