


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:This Land

    副标题:Mike's Story Part 2

    艺人:B. Smyth


    作词:B. Smyth

    作曲:B. Smyth

    制谱人:B. Smyth

    Track 5: This Land

    节拍: ♩ = 85


    标记:Verse 1Pre Chorus 1Verse 2Pre Chorus 2Chorus 1Interval 1Verse 3Pre Chorus 3Chorus 2Guitar Solo 1BridgeGuitar Solo 2Verse 4Interval 2Pre Chorus 4Chorus 3Ending

    Wak-en up, cur-tains o-pen. The stage is ta-ken but I am one to act to-day. I still feel tired, al-though I've slept for days. Look out-side, I've seen these peo-ple be-fore, but the've ne-ver seen me. I'm stuck be-hind bars of com-plexed ma-chin-e-ry. Take a step, out of the house; li-mi-ted pla-ces that I could on-ly go. This ci-ty, I would ne-ver call it home. Vi-de-os, pro-jec-tion screens, ev-en me-mo-ries, but I must cla-ri-fy that these aren't a-bout me. I'm lone-ly and I'm despe-rate and I'm try-ing to es-cape, but I'm get-ting stron-ger eve-ry min-ute that pass-es by. A V-C-R, a D-V-D, some-thing to play back for-got-ten me-mo-ries. Hope-ful-ly I can find a way to leave. Sub-ways a-round this ci-ty, ta-king me eve-ry-where I don't want to go. All these tun-nels, not one leads back to home. And when I'm free, free to roam I still say no, be-cause there's onl-y one place I wish to go. Emp-ty rooms, pro-jec-tion screens, tapes of re-pressed me-mo-ries all of this, it is just fan-ta-sy. All that I can do is whis-per no-things. A "sha-dow" who wants to strut on the stage. As I jour-ney a-cross this land, search-ing for some-thing that no one un-der-stands. Sit-ting here all a-lone, build-ing up to a point of des-per-a-tion. I can-not wait. The time won't come to the pa-tient. I'll force my way though as a re-lief from all the ten-sion. I watched all the im-a-ges that came up on the screen. It built in-side, forc-ing me to take con-trol a-gain. I'm sick of this run-down God-for-sa-ken ci-ty, and the per-fect chance to break is com-ing. As I jour-ney a-cross this land, search-ing for some-thing that no one un-der-stands. Look-ing for my true self. The "sha-dow" comes, the "sha-dow" comes, from the depths of the un-known; a pri-son cell, a gate of Hell, the land where in-ner de-mons dwell. The "sha-dow" comes to take its place, the birth-right of the base; the place where I was born and raised; my home. Step out-side this ci-ty, re-a-ni-mate so I can take back what is mine. Now the fake will be forced back in my mind. I want to see my o-ther live in a world that's cut off from re-a-li-ty. But may-be he'll see things diffe-rent-ly, but I know for cer-tain that he will say, "As I jour-ney a-cross this land, search-ing for some-thing that no one un-der-stands. Look-ing for my e-go."

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