好吧 你总是能找到一个好的理由 去为你做的所有坏事辩解
Well, you can always find a proper reason to defend the shit you did
我早已厌倦了你的谎言 可为何人们总是一次又一次得忍受你的所作所为
I’m sick of your lies ,Why do people always tolerate what’s you’ve done?
难道你不知道 你终将为你的所作所为付出代价吗
Don't you know that you are going to pay for it
哦 婊子 你现在终于知道怕了吗
Oh bitch, you finally afraid
嘿 你 你算个什么东西
Hey you,what the hell you are
I will be there to kick your ass
记住了 我就是你的克星
Remember, I am your bane
生活在这个时代 你知道金钱就是万能的
Living in this era, you know that money can buy anything
在这个罪恶都市 人人都喜欢当婊子 当他们欲火焚身的时候
In this sin city ,they wants to be a bitch when they are on fire
You think you wouldn't be punished just because you’re the king?
哦 婊子 你终于感到害怕了
Oh bitch, you finally afraid
嘿 你 你算个什么东西
Hey you,what the hell you are
I will be there to kick your ass
记住了 我就是你的克星
Remember, I am your bane
Every time you break your promise
They will watch you pay for what you’ve broken
Every single time
嘿 你 你算个什么东西
Hey you,what the hell you are
I will be there to kick your ass
记住了 我就是你的克星
Remember, I am your bane
嘿 你 你算个什么东西
Hey you,what the hell you are
嘿 你觉得你算老几
Hey you,who do you think you are
you're such a bitch