


  • 曲谱信息
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  • 标题:枢 务蜞螯? 族腩忮觐

    副标题:(How to stay a Human?)


    专辑:My Underground

    制谱人:Gun (Protoportorg)

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 110


    枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 眍泱 眍恹 忮觐 项 牮钼铈噤睇 箅桷囔 汔螯? 枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 湾 镱溧忤螯? 耥尻铎 暑沅 蝾腼 铒螯 磬黜篁 耱疱?螯? 枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 项 尻蝠铐睇 疱赅 皖鬣扈 镫 泐腩忸 睇?螯? 枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 礤 镳铖眢螯? 琮觐 砚罡 腓鲱 镱 爨耜铋 礤 耜瘥忄螯? 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 项赅 腓黜 礤 镳钼屦 娩 玟羼 膻滂, 沅 玮屦 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 湾汔蜩 镨黻铎 玎 溻屦 象耱 怵嚆 礤耋 镱蝈痂 枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 买囹 扈龛滏尻铎 礤 耱羼?螯? 泐腩怏 蝈?螯? 枢 铖蜞螯? 麇腩忮觐 茹疣螯 镱耠邃龛 蝠尻铎 玎 耦犷 耠钼 铖蜞怆螯? 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 项赅 腓黜 礤 镳钼屦 娩 玟羼 膻滂, 沅 玮屦 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 湾汔蜩 镨黻铎 玎 溻屦 象耱 怵嚆 礤耋 镱蝈痂 橡噔溧 骅珥 沅?蝾 ?漕 填驽 耱铊 漕觐镟螯? 袜 忸轫 钿磬 磬沭噤 族腩忮觐 铖蜞忄螯? 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 项赅 腓黜 礤 镳钼屦 娩 玟羼 膻滂, 沅 玮屦 丸觐沅 龛觐祗 礤 忮瘙 湾汔蜩 镨黻铎 玎 溻屦 象耱 怵嚆 礤耋 镱蝈痂 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to stay a human In hand with the new century Walking true blood thirsty streets How to stay a human Not chocking from a snack When shooting will begin in the crowd again How to stay a human Swings thru electronical rivers At the nights to float and with a head to dive How to stay a human And not waking up as an criminal prisoner Not hiding your face under the mask I never believe anyone Before check myself Where are good people And where are bad people I never believe anyone Throwing the negative out the door Let enemies have problems How to stay a human Plugging in like a minijack And not being shy about loosing your head How to stay a human Playing as last track Leaving the last word for yourself I never believe anyone Before check myself Where are good people And where are bad people I never believe anyone Throwing the negative out the door Let enemies have problems Facts of live are somewhere near Maybe should be discovered War has one reward Staying human I never believe anyone Before check myself Where are good people And where are bad people I never believe anyone Throwing the negative out the door Let enemies have problems

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