艺人:Uneven Structure
there is a LOT of nutty, layered, delayed overdub stuff all through this song, and there is just no way i am figuring it all out because there isn't even really a point. anyone reading this is going to just want to play the main guitar or bass parts anyhow, so let's just let the studio effects remain a nebulous mystery also what a fantastically brutal song, almost like Meshuggah - Obsidian in its minimalist approach
3 4 3 7 3 5 3 53 4 3 7 3 5 3 3Pick hard so the pitch sharpens slightlyThis guitar overlay keeps changing up for the rest of the song, so you know, whatever
En-ti-ty made of torn codes drip- ping sheds and forms of ax- i-oms Ev-er smoul- dered splen-dor Nev-er+grieving path-os being harassed by pic- torial lies