注释:Yourboat is calledA - po - ca - lypseDip a sailThose whore - gu - late the headBite their tail,bite their tailMaps arelost inhur - ri - caneof reg - ressYour clothesfraz - zled,still youna - vi - gateWith ha - vingyour crew op -pressedPour somewinein - to your throatStuff yourgutsa little moreWhile youra - va - riceac - cu - mu - latesThe poormul - ti - plyhun - dred - foldYourship is calledCa - pi - ta - lismAn - chor downIt runs fordear lifeon the windof cor - rup -tionDe - fec -tive com -passserves to your pur -poseBut soonas sweatof sai - lorsdriesYou'll hit thebot - tomand go as -horePour somewinein - to your throatStuff yourgutsa little moreWhile youra - va - riceac - cu - mu - latesThe poormul - ti - plyhun - dred - foldMaketheseoarsne - verrowDipasailStrikethemasts,send theboatTothesandMaketheseoarsne - verrowDipasailStrikethemasts,send theboatTothesand