节拍: Moderate ♩ = 200
I've been hol-ding on too tight to let you go Now I'm sin-king in the mi-re Wish we could go back to how it was But we're too close to the wi-re Cross the line on my ho-ri-zon Sa-pi-ens per-vade like a vi-rus Fin-ding so-lace in i-so-la-tion If the wolf cries "boy" Keep calm, car-ry on Dead a-mong the li-ving No-thing to be-lieve in Ma-king sin-ners of saints All the fears un-faced Swar-ming all a-round me like ants As the fla-me is prised a-way from the moth Stron-ger in their num-bers Tur-ning on each o-ther Is this out of our hands? Hol-ding on too tight to let you go I'm sin-king in the mi-re Wish we could go back to how it was But we're too close to the wi-re If I give them an inch, they take a mile Does love have to be tough? Cruel to be ki-nd Think of all the peo-ple you have turned your back on- Do you mourn the lost souls from your pa-le high hor-se? I've been hol-ding on too tight to let you go I'm sin-king in the mi-re Wish we could go back to how it was But we're too close to the wi-re Fly with-out fear of lan-ding Wel-come in-to the fold Not all who wan-der shall be lost Sur-roun-ded yet some-what lone-ly The ca-rou-sel claims its toll Pay-ing a price, not coun-ting costs What if the weight is lif-ted When we are all re-newed? When will the pen-ny ev-er drop? Who will our bur-dens car-ry? Who will not shed a te-ar If our pulse should e-ver stop? Hold on tight and ne-ver let me go Take me back to how it was be-fo--re Hell knows I was ho-li-er than thou But hea-vy is the head that wears the cro--wn