标题:White Room
标签: 总谱
和弦:A#(no5) F(no5) Em(no5) D5 Csus2 G/B F5 A# G5 C5 F A# G D A#5 C A A5 F5
++++++++++++++++++++++++In++a white room +++++with ++++black +++curtains near ++++the station Black++ +++roof country,++++++ no gold pavements, tired starlings, ++++++++Silver horses+++++++ run ++++down moonbeams ++++in ++++++your dark eyes. +++Dawnlight smiles ++++++++on ++++++++++]your +++leaving, my content-+++ment. +++++++I'll +++++++++++++++++++wait+++++++++++in+++this place where+++ the+sun++++++ ++++++++++++never shines. +++++++++++++++++++wait+++++++++++in+++this place where the shadows run from+ themselves. ++++++++++++++++++++You+said no strings +++could ++++secure you at the station. Platform+++++ ticket, +++restless ++++++diesels, goodbye ++++++windows. I++++walked+++++into such++a sad++time at the station. As++++I++++ walked out felt +++my own++need just begin -ning. ++++I'll wait ++++++++++in++the queue +++++++when+the trains +++++++++++++++come back I'll++wait+++++++++for you +++++++++where++the ++++shadows ++++++++++++++++++++run+++++++++from++them- selves +++++++++++++At+the party++++++++++++ she+was++kind- ness+++++++ in+++the ++++++hard++crowd Consolation from++the old wound now forgotten++++ ++++++Yellow +++tigers crouched+in +++jungles ++++in+her++dark ++eyes She's+just dressing goodbye windows, tired++starlings +++++++++I'll sleep +++++++++++in++this place++ with++the lonely crowd, Lie +++++++++++in+the dark+++ +++++++++++where++the ++++shadows run ++++++++++++from+them- selves