制谱人:Hugo Saliou
Pol Luengo (Vocals, Guitar)
Oscar Reka (Guitar, Back vocals)
Carlos Leonardo (Bass, Back vocals)
José Rosendo (Drums)
(Oscar/Carlos)(2 voices)(1 voice)(2 voices)(1 voice)(1 voice)(2 voices)(1 voice)(Carlos)(Oscar/Carlos)
标记:[A]Intro[B]Main Riff[C]Bridge[D]Break[E]Verse 1[F]Main Riff[G]Chorus[H]Re-Intro[I]Interlude[J]Break[K]Verse 2[L]Main Riff[M]Chorus[N]Chaos[O]Solo 1 (Pol Luengo)[P]Solo 2 (Oscar Reka)[Q]Outro
Po-wer car-ries re-volts
when greed and en-vy wan-ders free.
Ag-gres-sive is born, vio-lent is made.
Ci-vi-li-za-tion is built with in-no-cent blood.
We're ag-gres-sive by na-ture
but rea-son is what make us vio-lent.
This's the world we are ma-king.
Shall we be proud of it?
Would you dare to face and clash a-gainst the po-wer...
Are you brave e-nough to leave fears be-hind and ne-ver turn back?
In-side a vic-ious cir-cle
where blood-shed is ca-pi- ta-lized on,
bu- si-ness leads ge- no-cide.
Thou-sands crimes in our face,
and we just look a-way.
We're ag-gres-sive by na-ture
but rea-son is what make us vio-lent.
This's the world we are ma-king.
Shall we be proud of it?
Would you dare to face and clash a-gainst the po-wer...
Are you brave e-nough to leave fears be-hind and ne-ver turn back?
Would you dare to face and clash a-gainst the po-wer...
Are you brave e-nough to leave fears be-hind and ne-ver turn back?
Ooh! Ha-ha!
...of vi-o-cra-cy?
...of vi-o-cra-cy?
Would you dare...
...of vi-o-cra-cy?