
  • 曲谱信息
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  • 标题:Ocean Rose(原版吉他谱) 【欧美金曲】

    标签: 弹唱 , 原版 , solo

    艺人:Shine Dion

    歌曲: Ocean Rose

    Ocean Rose
    Shine Dion

    She was a silent white rose 安静的白玫瑰
    who lived in a tall iron tower 盛开在高塔之中
    Barefoot she wandered in her room 在房中赤足游荡
    dreaming of life and a lover 幻想着爱情和生活
    And in a night she threw a net 某个夜晚她向幽深的海
    into the ocean wide and deep 撒下一张网
    And some of the things she caught in there 而那网中收获之物
    made her sad and made her weep 令她悲伤啜泣

    A fiery warmth embraced her heart 她的心如烈焰般熊熊燃烧
    when sunrays caught her hair 她的长发在阳光下熠熠生辉
    And then she looked upon the world 仰望着这个世界
    her longing got hard to bear 她的内心充满渴望
    She was locked in an iron tower 白玫瑰 被锁在高高的铁塔中
    with windows but no doors to be found 只有幽深的窗户却没有出口
    Often she listened hard at night 夜夜她侧耳倾听
    for a voice in the ocean's sound 倾听那海的声音

    And voices was mingling with her own 那声音在她脑海中反复响起
    waves were singing,flee the tower 离开啊离开吧 海浪这样唱着
    By the stairway that takes you down 顺着阶梯爬下
    follow the ocean's song my flower 听从那大海的召唤吧我的花儿
    And silently the rose went down 玫瑰无声地落下
    she was shivering in the dark and the cold 在黑暗和寒冷中战栗着
    Through in an opening in the wall穿过墙上的一扇小窗
    the ocean sang as fortold大海歌唱着 仿佛在述说衷肠
    Floating upon the warm blue sea 温暖的蓝色海洋轻轻托起她
    by the waves to a shore she was laid 海浪将她送往岸边
    Among the trees red roses grow 躺在那红玫瑰盛开的林间
    and the white rose turned to red...白玫瑰变成了红玫瑰……

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  • 生产队
    本帖最后由 生产队 于 2021-1-31 13:12 编辑 Shine Dion歌曲《Ocean Rose》的灵感通来自挪威当地的神话,传说及风土人情,音乐成功实现了古典和现代的结合, 从中我们可以感受到田园般的宁静,灵魂的脆弱,及时间的无涯。本吉他谱根据原版编配,这首歌的拥有天生干净忧郁的气质!