




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Juno

    副标题:Best learned in Horizontal View!

    标签: 总谱



    制谱人:Dan Arcuri

    Best song on the record.

    Key for whole song is F natural minorInitially, I let the guitar riff lead the bar layout (New bar starts on the hard 'F' notes (7th fret 7th string)). This causes some shortened and lengthened bars (As is standard Tesseract), and syncopates the drums to compensate. But I feel like the drums should always lead the bar layout, so the straight 4/4 time is the first written. I've included both feels, with the guitar driven notation on the second repetition, because i'm not sure which one is correct. The same with the "chorus"For drums, i've notated everything and included the fills, but it's not a 100% accurate transcription, especially the specific drums used in the fills (The rhythm should be very close). Also, the accentuation on the backbeats could probably use more work, and maybe I used a china instead of a crash cymbal or something.5th of F for that siq power ch0rd feelingGuitar led feel starts herenote the eighth note lengthened bar to make the F (7th fret) note begin on beat 1 of the next barUse medium-heavy palm mute for 7'th string. Played moderately staccato compared to the later playthroughs of this riffBass accentuates most of the heavy F notes (7th fret 7th string)Pretty much previous guitar riff but with more ghost notes/rest notes in place of the Low F notenote sure about this note. It leads you to think it moves up, but dan sings the same note as "of", but playback in GP sounds offhi-hat polyrhythm/syncopation starts hereReverb tails of "side"Crash hits every quarter note, snare every beat 3, and kick copies the accented guitar notesLots of reverb on Dan's vocals in this sectionI think there's a soft harmony here with the next coming note on the same string, but the dominant is this noteReverb tail of "fore"reverb trail of "abort"keyboard plays the harmony note, bit of a tricky one to pick out (which is the next note: 14th fret)This is one long held note that gradually builds in volume, but GP doesn't take kindly to that, so I made ghost notes to hit the note again instead of one long tie

    标记:[A]Intro[B]Main Riff 1[C]Verse 1/Bass Takes Riff[D]Chorus/Intro Reprisal[E]Main Riff Variation With Different Drum Feel[F]"Vanishing" Melody[G]"Won't you reveal yourself to me" Melody Variation[H]Melody Solo[I]"Oh the damage that's been done" Full band in[J]Main Riff Variation Reprisal
    歌曲: Juno

    All the sil-hou-ettes of pass-ers by The sound of streets and fa-mil-iar cries Will va-nish in to the il-lu-sion No se-re-ni-ty and ne-ver com-pro-mise There’s no dig-ni-ty as you fra-te- r-nise With your de-lu- sions So set me free, take all you ne-ee-eed And I'll be wait-ing To-geth-er we’re ja-ded And now we’re e-ner-va- ted Wings a-blaze I'm bur- ni-ing the wre- ckage of my life I nose- dive to the fur- nace Set fire to the stars at night They got me this far The judge-ment now be-gins I'm blee-ding from the in-side side side side Va- nish-ing in-to thin air My bo-dy hits the floor Much slow-er than be-fore Cri- sis, man o-ver-board E-mer-gen-cy a-bort I watch them dan- cing All the fi-re-flies of war gath-e- e-er All the damage that’s been done, paid for Won’t you re- veal your-self to me? As I rise a-bove the deep Won’t you re-veal your-self to me? Oooh oh All the fi-re-flies a-bove ga-ther All the da-mage that’s been done, paid for Now won’t you save your-self for me? Won’t you save your-sel f for me? Woah oh -oh-

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