




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Our Endless War


    标签: 总谱


    专辑:Our endless War

    作词:Phil Bozeman


    制谱人:Claudio Huerta


    Band FB: www.facebook.com/whitechapelmetal
    My FB: 

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 165

    注释:Press F5 For InfoPick SlidePick SlidePick SlideTwo Guitar In OnePress F5 For InfoPick SlideTwo Guitars In OnePick SlidePick SlidePress F5 For InfoPress F5 For InfoLet's Take Back Our Justice For All!
    Let's go! 

    America our wasteland where death is entertainment
    The place where moving forward means you turn the other direction
    A place where reality existed
    And we still continue to bleed

    Red, White, Blue
    For ourselves and who?
    And they still hold the truth
    So we say fuck you

    My country tis of greed
    Sweet land of idiocracy

    This is our endless war

    While we still have liberty
    Lets take back our justice for all

    We can march at sundown upon Capitol Hill
    We're calling you out
    Come face us now and see your true war
    Let's take it back
    We the people have spoken against our endless war

    There is nothing left to prove
    We've spoke our minds risked our lives, make your move
    Tread lightly, choose your words wisely
    Or we will refuse to bleed

    Shut it down!
    50 states united as one
    But we still cant find a solution, where have we gone
    It seems that our motto to live by
    When your chin deep in shit
    Duck, breathe and die

    I've said before
    And I'll say it again
    This world is ours
    Let's take it back and give them their war
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