标题:Slow, Love, Slow (Solo)
I would not say that the tablature is 100% correct, but to 80% the tones should be correct. If you listen to the original solo again and try it out a bit, you should be able to play it very closely. (Sorry if there are any mistakes in the text) ------- -----------------------------------------------------Ich w黵de nicht sagen, das die Tabulatur zu 100% Korrekt ist, aber zu 80% sollte es stimmen. Wenn man sich das Originale Solo noch einmal anh鰎t und ein bisschen Rumprobiert, sollte man ziehmlich Korre kt spielen k鰊nen.
节拍: Moderate ♩ = 85
Come and share this painting with me
Unveiling of me, the magician that never failed
This deep sigh coiled around my chest
Intoxicated by a major chord
I wonder
Do I love you or the thought of you?
Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely
Southern blue, morning dew
Let-down-your-guards, I-love-you's
Ice-cream castles, lips-to-ear rhymes
A slumber deeper than time
Slow, love, slow
Only the weak are not lonely