, Djent
, 7弦
, 前卫
There is a storm between us
Driving ever onward through a hail of dust
Through the night and the cold and the dark of my soul
Pushes the volume higher
Tempest rising over paralyzing silence and stillness
Resounding the hollow aches to be filled
This darkness is aggressive, black hole forces supermassive
Overtaking passionate will
You show up at the worst time
And empty my life with what you steal
And I'm scraping the bottom of my soul
Dwelling on the painful just to feel
Like I'm not in the grave yet
Like I'm not just a specter in your room
But every time that our eyes meet
I see vicious intent to keep me in my tomb
Burn it down, the caution to move forward
Take a step take a breath, it won't kill you to move
Through the open door that's before your eyes
'Cause your whole life is beckoning you
And I can't tell you what will be when you get there
Just take your heart off the shelf
Dust it off and face a brave new world
That you'll just have to see for yourself
Statues brought to motion, stillness stirs and the dead is brought to life
Though it feels like an ocean of darkness, you will find
Fire and light to rival the night
The sun will rise and fill your sight
Only after you let go of the chains that are keeping you bound
Will you find your heart, release the strongest part
Of the army waiting to fight from inside
I lead a revolution
Devastate the enemy