标题:Same Shade As Conrete
副标题:Press F5 to read the notes!
标签: 总谱
艺人:Circle Takes The Square
专辑:As The Roots Undo
作曲:Circle Takes The Square
制谱人:Robert William-Olsson
*This took me a long time and lots of work to put together. If you use this tab in any way (to alter, cover, midi, remake, or like-wise) please give me credit and/or link back to where you found it. Thanks!* About the tab: This is a hell of a song. I have tried my best to map out the tempo and various time signatures. Since the song is recorded without a click (except for the end) it changes almost every bar. I have included the approxomate time in the drum tab before each major change. The stereo guitars, as far as I can hear, basically play the same thing the entire song. Some parts were pretty difficult to make out, so I used a live video from 2012 as reference to fill in the parts I couldn't hear from the original. The bass mostly follows the guitar parts. The last section gets pretty math-y. Kathy plays it a bit more straight forward live so you can choose what you prefer. ENJOY!
REJOICEREJOICE A NOBLE BIRTHAverage: 140Average: 165Average: 140Average: 140* G# is accedentally played hereAverage: 154Just noise here, but this is what they play liveI shit you not this is what it sounds like how the bass goes
Rejoice, rejoice a noble birth, a prince is born.
Behold the birth of violence, beasts of fang and feather cry for our concrete rapture,
And if we beg to be put down, unto us the most inspired storm.
A princess ravaged by her prince behold; the birth of sex and distance, two frail corpses both were they, his eyes were the first to stray... every tree held fast the earth to sky.
Concrete replaces every branch and twig as they were frayed upon the birth of ambition. The heavens filled our gilded vessel with poison tears, before we drink, I propose a toast, a final prayer.
Here's to the watchers in the wood, here's to the last days, unto us a most inspired song.
Shaper, stop the music.
Halt the harp strings whose chords confuse our histories with textures.
With the disheartened chorus of a hymnal whose choir is the conviction of the starving, artless, tempted by the feast of proof that this body of work has worth.
Uncertain as the fingering of a chord torn prematurely from a piano's womb.
As we fill our precious lungs with concrete, that faithful shade, a shaper's song is stopped short- a dying breath a singing shore.
Then the only movement and the last remains of grace:
Pollen falling off the simple hinge joint leg upon the final breath of a dragonfly.
A cardinal, lost but headstrong in mid flight cries for our concrete rapture, wade...
In the water, wade. Let the flood swell, thank the storm for her tears.
The faithful say it's beautiful, it's god's will
But the fool knows what the prophets have seen, no salvation's impending.
The faithful say it's beautiful, it's god's will let the flood swell and the bodies that break we'll just float down the river. Stay tame, soft river, while we weigh our faith, stay sweet, run softly, sweet river, the fool who wades in doubt will float like concrete.
Come and fill your lungs. Come and fill your lungs.
There's so much hope buried underneath tragedy, it's the same shade as concrete.
The faithful say it's beautiful, it's god's will, let the flood swell
On the loudspeaker sermons and a parish descending.
There's so much hope buried underneath tragedy, it's the same shade as concrete.
Let the flood swell.