


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Spray on Pants


    专辑:Hymns for the Nonbeliever

    作词:Darren Cordeux, Joel Vanderuit, Sean Thomas and Karl Ammitzboll

    作曲:Darren Cordeux, Joel Vanderuit, Sean Thomas and Karl Ammitzboll

    制谱人:Philip Scholer

    Hey, I know- look this is the FINAL submission I'm 
    gonna make, OK? I know you guys probably think I'm 
    really annoying for doing this, but I was really trying to 
    make it 100% close to accurate :). This edit introduces 
    new chords for the guitar parts- I got them from the 
    second tab on your site. Other than that, nothing has 
    been changed majorly, so I guess this is the one you 
    want to submit. I'm not sure how accurate the drum 
    part is, but not being a drummer myself, it was difficult 
    for me. So, basically, just disregard the previous two 
    submissions I made- and, by the way, I used RSE for 
    the tab, so I don't know what happens, but in case 
    you submit it without RSE just keep the message 
    below so people know what RSE types I used:
    Master Reverb: Hall- Grand Chamber
    10-Band Mastern EQ: Large Hall
    Lead: Strat E. Guitar with Amp Tones: American Clean- 
    Screamer Overdrive
    Rhythm: Les Paul E. Guitar with Amp Tones: Eddie 
    Lead- Pi Distortion
    Bass: Jazz Bass with Bass Tones: Bass- Amp 
    Drums: Rock Drum Kit with Drums Tones: Drums- 

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 130

    注释:Hejustthrewoutallofhisoldclothesandallthemusicthatheownsit'stimeforhisyearlychangeofstyleandShespeaks withaBritishac-centthekeyboardisherfav'ritein-strumeeeentohohtheDrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeahwedo-othedrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeah wedo-oSheused toloveReelBigFishthenshedecidededshelikedtheSmithssoshedownloadedalltheirgreat-esthitsandHeislearningthetambour-rinehetellshisbandthat'swhatthey're miss-iiiingohohtheDrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeahwedo-othedrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeah wedo-oyeah wedo-oyeah wedo-oTheyboth gotoallofthesameclubswhereev'ryonetakesallthesamedrugsandtalks about howthey'resofuckedupTheytrytogetupanddancebutthey'reallwearingsprayonpantsitwasasighttobeseenIwon-derwhothey'llbenextweeeektheDrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeahwedo-othedrinksarecheapandvin-yl'scoo-oooolwhatdoyouthinkofmynewshoe-oe-oesandyouknowmeandIknowyou-ou-ou-ouyeah wedo-o
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