




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper

    艺人:Grand Belial's Key

    专辑:Mocking the Philanthropist

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 140

    Myth once told of an earth born King;

    A theurgic bind of spirit and flesh

    And so it is parable to those with strength;

    The galant psalms and pageantry are lost in space!

    Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper

    Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper

    At the table bread was broken

    Crimson contract proffer swill

    Gather friends and good disciples

    To witness figment tales...

    No rewards with natural treasures

    But with sickly suffering;

    And our Kingdom doth be paradise

    void of pleasantries!

    Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper

    Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper

    Myth again told of that earth born pig!

    Barking abjuration whilst hammered to the wood

    And so if stays parable to hearts with strength

    As we sleep in bold comfort in our hell on earth!

    "As the cock crows thrice I'll be denied,

    forsworn by one of you.

    And for the sake of prophecy,

    summoned to my lot."

    By blood... Resurrection?

    By body... Redemption?

    By God... Domination?

    By Pilate... Crucifixion!

    "As the cock crows thrice I'll be denied,

    forsworn by one of you.

    And for the sake of prophecy,

    summoned to my lot."

    By blood... Resurrection?

    By body... Redemption?

    By God... Domination?

    By Pilate... Crucifixion!
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