标题:Born in the USSR
副标题:Rozhdjonnyj v SSSR
专辑:Born in the USSR
作词:Juriy Shevchuk
作曲:Juriy Shevchuk/DDT
制谱人:Andriy aka Surgeon (andriy.lazorenko@googlemail.com)
指示:Designed for RSE
To all metal russian - speaking fans!) It took me ages to write down, so PLEASE RATE IT!!! My first tab, dont be pissed if im wrong, especially in the bridge (& in solo... and everywhere else =)) I tabbed 2 times with a 6 month break. Don't wonder if different verses and bridges that should be the same don't match. =) Got down everything that I've heard and that I haven't =() Send comments plz on mail especially if u found any mistakes Help me with timing on ending... P.S: maybe it's better 2 use auto - wah =) Lyrics: ???邈彘! 蓄驿屙睇 蜒研! 磬鬣脲 猁 忮麇? 项蝾 磬耱嚯 . 瞒屦 耠钼 溧 忮蝈? 彦泐漤 珏祀. 袜 觌噤徼 耱囵铎, 娩 忸耜疱襦腓 怵嚆 觐?黩 镱?? 埋蜞 脲忸 眍汨. 橡栾邂: ?.?? 蓄驿屙睇 蜒研! ?.?? 蓄驿屙睇 蜒研! 丸 皴牦礓 徨 漯嚓? 洛痂 骅珥 耢屦螯. 汶噻 蜮铄 耦徉觇 袜 礤 耱疣 耢铗疱螯. 彦泐漤, 镱徨溧, 项殪 镳铖蜩. 袜 龛麇泐 礤 铖蜞腩顸, 皖 羼螯, 黩 漕礤耱? 橡栾邂 饮 麇 溧朦, 蝈 牮篦 饮 镱黩 玎赅? 卿疣怦蜮箝, 漯邂? 畜顸, 蜮铋 礤疴睇 狃囹. 昨 忮痦弪 磬 磬溴驿? 昨 耧囫弪 牮囫铗? 饮 怊屦 猁 躅?桧 桁镥痂? 蝈镥瘘 耔痤蜞. 橡栾邂: *2
节拍: Thrash ♩ = 192
和弦:E G Am Em D Em7/5+ Dadd11 Em7 Gsus4