副标题:Release The Fury
指示:release 16 nov 2004
♩ = 138
注释:Release the furyI don't knowwhy blood makespeople rush,Vi-o-lenceis a poweryou' ve denied so muchI do knowwhy drugs makespeople rush,The meaning oflife discoveredin a secondary stateWe'reall the same we're li-ving downThevicious, boiling, shou-ting crowdWe're coming from un-dergroundLiving down,butMind, yourown against,once againmy ownMind, yourown against,once againmy ownI do knowwhy war makespeople rush,Des-truc-tionis a powerwe released so much !We'reall the same we're li-ving downThevicious, boiling, shou-ting crowdWe're coming from un-dergroundLiving down,we're the proud people apart...butMind, yourown against,once againmy ownMind, yourown against,once againmy ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again my ownMind, your own against, once again myOOOOOWWWWWNNNNNOWN OWNOWN OWNOWN OWNOWN OWNOOOOOWWWWWNNNNNRUSHRUSHRUSHWe're all thesame...We're all thesame...We're all thesame...We're all thesame...We're all thesame...RUSHRUSHRUSH
标记:Intro (t=134)(t=138)Couplet 1RefrainCouplet 2RefrainPost-refrainPre-coupletCouplet 3RefrainPost-refrainInterlude (t=142)BreakOutro