3、Per Aspera Ad Astra
[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]
(Adesso sono qui...) 如今我在这里…
An old dungeon hidden from all the light 一个古老的地牢远离所有的光线
Thirteen candles enlighten the dark 十三支蜡烛点亮黑暗
Shadows are playing their games on the wall 阴影嬉闹在墙上
And a shimmering glow fills the arch 闪烁的光芒充盈了拱门
Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break 现在,当夜晚离去,新的黎明将至
Silently a new age of science awakes 科学的新时代静静地醒来
Old theory that has been wrong 错误的旧学说
Power of the universe 宇宙的力量
Will take me to the place where I belong 将把我带往归属之地
Through the clouds of lies and fear 穿越谎言和恐惧的云层
In silent moments it comes near: 在寂静的时刻它到来:
In my deepest hour of darkness 在我黑暗的深渊时刻里
They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno. 他们会闪耀…(感受我的嘲讽吧)无尽地…它们将熠熠生辉。
(The sword that killed the unicorn)(杀死独角兽的剑)
Callisto, Europa
(Adesso sono qui...) 如今我就在这里…
Now, as night steps aside, and a new dawn will break现在,当夜晚离去,新的黎明将至
Silently a new age of science awakes科学的新时代静静地醒来
Splenderanno... per aspera ad astra
His theories and knowledge 他的学说和知识
Mean danger in these times 在这些时代里意味着危险
And those accused of heresy 那些因异端邪说而被指控的人
Will not longer be alive 再也不会活下去
Hide, hide your secrets well 藏起来,把你的秘密妥善保管
For in your darkest hour you should dwell 因为你将身处最为黑暗的时刻
(Adesso sono qui...) 如今我在这里…
An old table covered with parchments and rolls 盖满了羊皮纸和书卷的旧桌子
The great one has children of four 一个有着四个孩子的伟人
Callisto, Europa, Ganymed e Io木卫四,木卫二,木卫三和我
The bright universe to adore 向光明的宇宙致敬
Old theory that has been wrong 错误的旧学说
Power of the universe 宇宙的力量
Will take me to the place where I belong 将把我带往归属之地
Through the clouds of lies and fear 穿越谎言和恐惧的云层
In silent moments it comes near: 在寂静的时刻它到来:
In my deepest hour of darkness 在我黑暗的深渊时刻里
They will shine...(feel my scorn) endlessly...splenderanno. 他们会闪耀…(感受我的嘲讽吧)无尽地…它们将熠熠生辉。
(The sword that killed the unicorn)(杀死独角兽的剑)
Callisto, Europa