See, l think right now, you feeling
like you're becoming a grown woman.
'Cause of that shit you pulled
in the kitchen .
l should have fucked you up,
but l let you walk away,
and l let you come get yourself together.
But, bitch, l'm gonna let you know
if you ever pull that shit on me again,
that will be your last
motherfucking day standing,
l promise you that.
You gonna send a white bitch
to my motherfucking buzzer?
Talking about some higher education?
You're a dummy, bitch,
you will never know shit.
Don't nobody want you.
Don't nobody need you.
You done fucked around
and fucked my motherfucking man
and had two motherfucking children,
and one of them is a goddamn animal,
running around,
looking crazy as a motherfucker.
Bitch, you know what?
See, I think you. . . l think you're trying me.
l think you're really trying to fuck with me.
You're fucking with my money.
And you're gonna stand u p there
and look down at me
like you're a motherfucking woman.
l'm gonna show you
what real women do, bitch.
See, you don't know
what real motherfucking women do.
Real motherfucking women sacrifice.
l should have aborted your motherfucking ass.
'Cause you ain't shit.
l knew it the day the doctors put you
in my goddamn hand
you wasn't a goddamn thing,
and you have that smirk
on you r face, bitch?
Get it off your fucking face!
Now smile about that!
Smile about that, you fat bitch.