Shining Star

Shining Star的吉他谱

Shining Star的歌词

Shining Star for you to see / what your life can truly be / When you wish upon a star / Your dreams will take you very far / When you wish upon a dream / Life ain´t always what it seems / Once you see your light so dear / In the sky so very clear / (chorus) / You´re a shining star / No matter who you are / Shining bright to see / What you can truly be / Truly be / Shining star comes into view / Shine it's watchful light on you / Give you strength to carry on / Make your body big and strong / So if you find yourself in need / Why don´t you listen to his words of heed / Be a giant grain of sand / Words of wisdom yes I can / (chorus x2) / Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be

