



My fingers slowly graze against the stains remained【我的指尖缓缓拂过遗留的污痕】
at midnight deep in a room unroofed【在这午夜露天房间的深处】

Drowned in this illusion and lost my way in the fog【沉溺于此幻想 迷雾中失了方向】
but still I long for【但我仍在渴求】
Even now【直到如今】
I Still do.【依旧。】

I’m missing you【我思念着你】
wanna tell you!【想要对你倾诉!】
Do you hear me not?【你可曾听见我的声音?】

The silent words become tears,melting in the air【无声的话语变作泪水,融于空气】
I turn into a grounded summerfish【我化为一尾搁浅的热带鱼】
losing my arms【失去手臂】
then the legs【和双腿】
without you I don’t even know how to breathe【没有你我甚至不知如何呼吸】
Do you feel the same as me?【你是否也有着同样的感触?】

In this lonely journey I crawl on the knees【这寂寞的旅途里我跪伏前行】
until they’re muddy and bloody【直至双膝满是泥泞污血】
Through crowds of strayers【穿过迷途的人群】
Away from prayers just to see you once again【远离祷告的信徒 只为再次见你一面】

It was on the rainy day when the whole world【在整个世界】
is washed away by downpour【被倾盆大雨荡涤的那天】
I had a sweet dream【我做了个甜美的梦】
‘cause you’re the one I need【因为你是我唯一所求】

Ever since the day I escaped【自那日我转身逃开】
time has gone by【分秒流转】
love I tried to hide,bubbles over from inside【我试图隐藏 却由心深处几欲喷薄的爱意】
ends up here【于此处终结】

till today【直至今天】
the red thread has been saturated in【命运的红线】
sigh and secret【于叹息和隐秘中浸糜】
It can never be tied back【已无可挽回】

The path we walked along together【我们一起走过的道路】
is broken off forever【已永远崩裂】
Let’s say, if I were scared【假如,我说害怕被】
to be left alone【独自留下】
would we ever reach a happy ending?【我们是否会抵达美满的结局?】

So get【当黎明取代暗夜】
haunted by deep remorse as【深深的懊悔】
dawn takes over the darkness【反复纠缠】
I fell in love with you【而 我爱上了你】
That’s all I want you to know【便是我想让你知道的全部】

to the rainy day when the rain【那个雨天】
was streaming down my face【当雨水从我的脸上倾注而下】
The warmth in our hands【当我们相互依偎】
as we leaned close to each other【彼此手中的温暖】
Do you even remember?【时至今日你还记得吗?】

But I let it go into the air【但我终于如此刺眼的阳光之下】
under such sunlight glare【将一切随风弃去】
It’s time to goodbye【并轻道一声再见 】
I’ll take all the blame this time【这次 就让我带走所有罪责】


