Roma Nun Fa' La Stupida Stasera

Roma Nun Fa' La Stupida Stasera的吉他谱


Roma Nun Fa' La Stupida Stasera的歌词

Rome, Don’t Fool Around Tonight
(Translation of “Roma nun fa la Stupida Stasera”)

Rome, don’t fool around tonight,
Give me a hand to convince her to say yes
Choose all the most brilliant stars that you have
And a sliver of moon all for us,
Make her feel that it is almost Spring
Send out your best crickets to sing “cri cri”
Lend me the naughtiest Ponentino [a breeze] that you have
Rome, hold up all your candles for me tonight.

Rome, don’t fool around tonight,
Give me a hand to help me to say no
Extinguish all the most brilliant stars that you have
Hide the moon for me if I am not to be in trouble
Make me forget that it is almost Spring
Give me the strength to say no
Muffle that little stimulating breeze that you have
Rome, don’t fool around tonight

Make me forget that it is almost Spring
Give me the strength to say no
Muffle that little stimulating breeze that you have
Rome, don’t fool around tonight

Rome, don’t fool around tonight
Rome, don’t fool around tonight

