Open thou mine eyes

Open thou mine eyes的吉他谱


Open thou mine eyes的歌词

Open thou mine eyes and I shall see,
Incline my heart and I shall desire,
Order my steps and I shall walk
In the ways of thy commandments.

Open thou mine eyes and I shall see,
Incline my heart and I shall desire,
Order my steps and I shall walk
In the ways of thy commandments.

O Lord God, be thou to me a God
And beside thee let there be none else,
No other, nought else with thee.
Vouchsafe to me to worship thee
and serve thee
According to thy commandments
In truth of spirit,
In reverence of body,
In blessing of lips,
In private and in public.



天天真帅 2016-4-17 | 悬赏中 指弹 拨片:5 回复
