Kingdom Of Rust

Kingdom Of Rust的吉他谱

Kingdom Of Rust的歌词

I hear a sound, a sound above my head
Distant sound of thunder, moving out on the moor

Blackbirds flew in and to the cooling towers
I'll pack my bags thinking of one of those hours with you
Waiting for you

My God it takes an ocean of trust

In the kingdom of rust

I long to feel some beauty in my heart

As I go searching right to the start

The road back to Preston was jutted out in snow

As I went looking for that stolen heart for you

Waiting for you

My God it takes an ocean of trust, it takes an effort it does

My God it takes an ocean of trust

It's in the kingdom of rust

Oh, in the kingdom of rust

I long to feel that wince in my heart

As I went looking I couldn't stop

Now I'm waiting for you

Yes, it does

I know it takes an ocean of trust

In the kingdom of rust

