Occasion Avenue的吉他谱

Occasion Avenue的歌词

What sight have you seen
Where you go already been
Then again you go through
Occasion Avenue

Sister, the day you sell your skin
(The gold of night is the gold of the blind)
Sister, the day your soul gives in
(You'll never find what you left behind)
Oh, oh, no matter what they do
Oh, oh, you got to go straight through
Occasion Avenue

Brother, dare not look left or right
(Coaxing your eyes, poisoning your mind)
Brother, don't stop or you must fight
(No indulgence or its death you'll find)
Oh, oh, you may not leave with doubt
Oh, oh, you may not take it to
Occasion Avenue

Follow your heart - Forrow your truth
Follow the path that shines for you
On Occasion Avenue
How far you go - How good you do
Uncovers the prize or rebears you
To Occasion Avenue

Domini, domini - Occasion Avenue - Domini Sancti
Satani, satani - Occasion Avenue - Satani mundi

Will there be tomorrow - Will there be the stars
Will there be a future - Time beats in our hearts
Or will there be the fire - Branding us his mark

Pray for all us people
Trying to solve the riddle
I don't know where we're going
I don't know if we're being true
On Occasion Avenue

Precious is your taking
For a little bit of faking
For a tiny slight deception
For some insincere affection

Much be your power
By the essence of a flower
By seducement and cold rapture
By abusing mother nature

Great will be your status
When you know how to lick anus
When you lie and swindle ruthless
And your biggest hero's Judas
(TV: ...sentenced to 16 years for marriage imposture and order of murder to his current wife whose life assurance's worth one million pounds.)

Will there be tomorrow, Will there be the stars
Will there be a future, Time beats in our hearts
Will there still be laughter, Will there be relief
Will there be religion, Will there be belief

Will you see your people, From your former lifes
Will you know them this time, Will you win the prize
Will there be an ending, Will there be a start
Or will there be fire, Branding you his mark

I pray for all us people, Trying to solve the riddle
I don't know where we're going
I don't know if we're being true, On Occasion Avenue

Mother, I dreamt of my last life
(You'll never find what you left behind)
Mother, I killed you with my knife
(No indulgence or its death you find)

Oh, oh, we got to make it through, Occasion Avenue

Follow your heart, Follow your truth
Follow the path that shines for you
On Occasion Avenue
How far you go, How good you do
Uncovers the prize or rebears for you
To Occasion Avenue

Domini, domini - Occasion Avenue - Domini Sancti
Satani, satani - Occasion Avenue - Satani mundi

