No amount of words will ever
Express my utter disgust
At that fact that you're still alive
At the fact that you still breath
If I had one chance to do anything i could to you
I'd watch you suffer
As you beg for help
You don't deserve to live the rest of your life
As you are, you are worthless
A fucking cheap cigar
Everything that you ever loved
Will be taken away, the moment you shut your eyes
Of all the things you've ever done, the worst was in the past few months
It's hard to keep from getting burned
When love is like fire
I've learned to make friends with fire,
To keep from getting burned
I only had one heart to give,one heart to give
And you only had one heart to take,one heart to take
And I wish this plague upon both your houses,
So that I may rest in peace tonight,
And as I put my ear to yor mouth
To hear your one last dying breath of words
I whispered back be still my dear
For this will only hurt a second
But not even hell would forgive me
For what I'm about to do to you
Everything that you ever loved
Will be taken away,the moment you shut your eyes
So say goodbye
Everything that you ever loved
Will be taken away, the moment you shut your eyes
Of all the things you've ever done, the worst was in the past few months,
It's hard to keep from getting burned
When love is like fire
Love will kill us all