song: outlaw man artist: eagles 歌名: 逃犯 演唱:eagles
qq370336241 粗译
i am an outlaw 我是逃犯
i was born an outlaw's son 生来做逃犯的儿子
the highway is my legacy 大路是我所拥有的遗产
on the highway i will run 在大路上就得逃窜
in one hand i've a bible 一手握圣经
in the other i've got a gun 一手握枪
well, don't you know me 你若不认识我
i'm the man who won 总赢的家伙就是(我)
woman don't try to love me 女人别试图爱我
don't try to understand 也别想要理解
a life upon the road is the life of an outlaw man 路上逃窜才是我命运
music 音乐
first left my woman 首别我的女人
it was down in santa fe 是在圣达菲
headed for oklahoma 朝着俄克拉荷马州
i was ridin' night and day 我日夜逃窜
all of my friends are strangers 所谓朋友都是陌生人
they quickly come and go 他们来去何其匆匆
music 音乐
and all my love's in danger 做我情人就身处险境
'cuz i steal hearts and souls 因为我会偷心摄魂
woman, don't try to love me 女人别试图爱我
a life upon the road is the life of an outlaw 路上逃窜才是我命运
ooo.... 哦...
some men call me abel 有人称我亚伯
some men call me cain 有人称我该隐(亚当与夏娃之子,后来该隐杀害亚伯)
some men call me sinner, lord 有人称我罪人, 主啊
some men call me saint 有人称我圣徒
some say there's a jesus 有人说有基督
some men say there ain't 有人说没有
when you got no life to lose 当无所可失
then there's nothin' left to gain 也就无所可得
outlaw man... 逃犯...