Tabloid Junkie

Tabloid Junkie的吉他谱


Tabloid Junkie的歌词

(Tabloid Junkie)
(Michael Jackson)
Speculate to break the one you hate (你)意淫丑化你们看不顺眼的人
Circulate the lie you confiscate 撒播你们搜刮来的假消息
Assassinate and mutilate 诋毁我搞残我
As the hounding media in hysteria 眼下狗仔队十分狂热
Who's the next for you to resurrect 谁将是下一个被你们扒皮的人?
JFK exposed the CIA 肯尼迪揭发中央情报局?
Truth be told the grassy knoll 也就(白宫门前的)绿丘知道真相吧
As the blackmail story in all your glory 这种敲诈式的负面报道让你们很得意
It's slander 它全是造谣!!!!
You say it's not a sword 你们说它不是尖刀利刃
But with your pen you torture men 可你们在用笔墨歪曲人们
You'd crucify the Lord 你们把主钉死在了十字架上
And you don't have to read it, read it 而你们没必要看它,看它
And you don't have to eat it, eat it 你们没必要关注,关注
To buy it is to feed it, feed it 去买它就是在养活它,支持它
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那为什么我们还愚蠢下去?
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
Though everybody wants to read all about it 尽管每个人都想知道关于它的八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual, actual 现实点儿!别以为它就是事实!
They say he's homosexual 他们说“他是个同性恋者”!(注:暗指媒体污蔑MJ是个同性恋)
In the hood 这些时候
Frame him if you could 你竭尽所能去陷害他
Shoot to kill 用毒舌枪杀他
To blame him if you will 之后再归罪于他
If he dies sympathize 假如他死了 你们奉上同情
Such false witnesses 如此虚伪的一群人围观(看乐子)!
Damn self righteousness 该死,你们真伪善却自我感觉良好!
In the black 暗中
Stab me in the back 背后捅我一刀
In the face 当面
To lie and shame the race 撒谎还羞辱我的种族
Heroine and Marilyn 戴安娜王妃和玛丽莲梦露
As the headline stories of 总成为头条新闻
All your glory 都是你们的得意之作
It's slander 它全是造谣!!!!
With the words you use 发明这些词儿(注:舆论给MJ起了 Wacko Jacko这个外号)
You're a parasite in black and white 证明你们就是一帮依附媒体的寄生儿!!!
Do anything for news 为“炒作”不择手段
And you don't go and buy it, buy it 而你们没必要买它,买它
And they won't glorify it, 'fy it 他们便不会以它为豪,为傲
To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it 有人去追捧它,信仰它,被洗脑
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那为什么我们愚蠢下去?
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
Though everybody wants to read all about it 尽管每个人都想知道关于它的八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
See, but everybody wants to believe all about it 瞧,可人人想去相信这些八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
Though everybody wants to read all about it 尽管每个人都想知道关于它的八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual, actual 现实点!别以为它就是事实!
She's blonde and she's bisexual “她金发碧眼还是双性恋” (注:暗指媒体称玛丽莲梦露是双性恋)
Scandal 诋毁我丑化我!!!!
With the words you use 发明这些词儿(注:舆论给MJ起了 Wacko Jacko这个外号)
You're a parasite in black and white 证明你们就是一帮依附媒体的寄生儿!!!
Do anything for news 为“炒作”不择手段
And you don't go and buy it, buy it而你们没必要买它,买它
And they won't glorify it, 'fy it 他们便不会以它为豪,为傲
To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it 有人去追捧它,信仰它,被洗脑
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那为什么我们愚蠢下去?
Slander 妖魔化抹黑我!!!!
You say it's not a sin 你们说这不是罪过
But with your pen you torture men 可你们在用笔墨歪曲人们
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那为什么我们愚蠢下去?
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
Though everybody wants to read all about it 尽管每个人都想知道关于它的八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
See, but everybody wants to read all about it 瞧,可人人想去了解这些八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
Though everybody wants to read all about it 尽管每个人都想知道关于它的八卦
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual 别以为它就是事实!
I can't believe it!!!
Just because you read it in a magazine 就因为你们在杂志上读它看它
Or see it on the TV screen 在电视上听它信它
Don't make it factual, actual 现实点!别以为它就是事实!
You're so damn disrespectable 你们(指小报记者)的人格多不值钱!

