Southampton Dock

Southampton Dock的吉他谱


Southampton Dock的歌词

they disembarked in 45 他们在四十五号码头登陆
and no one spoke and no one smiled 无人说话 无人微笑
there were too many spaces in the line 在每列中有很多空间
gathered at the cenotaph 在纪念碑前聚集着
all agreed with the hard on heart 所有人都承认心情特别沉重
to sheath the sacrificial knives 包裹着牺牲的伤害

but now 但是现在

she stands upon southampton dock 她站立在南安普敦码头
with her handkerchief 拿着手帕
and her summer frock clings 身着夏季衣服
to her wet body in the rain 紧贴着在雨中被淋湿的身体
in quiet desperation knuckles 在安静的绝望关头
white upon the slippery reins 用白人所特有的狡猾感情
she bravely waves the boys goodbye again 她再次勇敢地向那些男孩们挥手致意

and still the dark stain spreads between 仍旧有灰色的污点延伸在
his shoulder blades 他的肩膀部位
a mute reminder of the poppy field and graves 一个罌粟花生长的原野与墓地的无声暗示
and when the fight was over 当战争结束
we spent what they had made 我们用完了他们创制的美好生活
but in the bottom of our hearts 但在我们内心深处
we felt the final cut 我们感到这是最终伤害了

