
  • 所属专辑:The Unforgiving
  • 艺人:Within Temptation
  • 作词:Sharon den Adel, Robert Westerholt & Daniel Gibson
  • 作曲:Sharon den Adel, Robert Westerholt & Daniel Gibson




Murder 复仇女神

I've been around these vicious lives too 我身处在这些邪恶的人旁边太久了,
Too long to be neglecting the truth 以至于忽略了真理。
I'm getting closer and I'm fully armed 我正在全副武装地接近他们。
I'm about to hunt you down through the big black hole right behind you 我准备用你身后那巨大的黑洞将你捕获,
And I'm about to cut your wings away 然后将你那作恶的羽翼切下。
'Cause I've been finding out 因为我已经知道了,
Where you've broken in 你闯入了哪里。
I will take you out when I close you in 当我靠近时,我会将你抹杀。

I'm killing them all 我杀了他们所有人,
I've put my soul on the line 我让自己的灵魂时刻处于备战状态。
I purify sins that I've committed in life 我将自己生时的一切罪孽都赎清了。
I follow them all 我跟在这些人的后面,
And I'll be bringing them down 我会消减他们嚣张的气焰。
Wherever they go,I'm right behind 无论他们去哪里,我都准备好了去跟随

There's nowhere to go ,your head on the line 你已经无路可逃,你的头颅即将不保。
There is no rope, you're running out of time 你已经无计可施,因为你的时间已经用尽。
So where will you go when I will murder you so无论你逃到哪里,我都会照样杀死你。

I'm about to do it your way 我会以其人之道还治彼其人之身,
I will make your world unsafe 我会让你的世界被不安的阴影所笼罩。
I never thought you get this thought insane 我从未想到你会犯下这样的罪行。
You don't believe what all the signs say你从不理会警告,
You don't believe in judgment day 你不相信审判日终有一天会到来。
But you won't be leaving here unharmed.但是你绝不能毫发无伤地继续活下去。

'Cause I've been finding out 因为我已经知道了,
Where you've broken in 你闯入了哪里。
I will take you out when I close you in 当我靠近时,我会将你抹杀。

I'm killing them all 我杀了他们所有人,
I've put my soul on the line 我让自己的灵魂时刻处于备战状态。
I purify sins that I've committed in life 我将自己生时的一切罪孽都赎清了。
I follow them all 我跟在这些人的后面,
And I'll be bringing them down 我会消减他们嚣张的气焰。
Wherever they go,I'm right behind 无论他们去哪里,我都准备好了去跟随。

There's nowhere to go ,your head on the line 你已经无路可逃,你的头颅即将不保。
There is no rope, you're running out of time 你已经无计可施,因为你的时间已经用尽。
So where will you go when I will murder you so无论你逃到哪里,我都会照样杀死你。

You can feel the pain and scream in vain 你会感到痛苦,并且徒劳地尖叫,
You sink away to the bottom. 你会被沉溺到地狱的最深处。
You can’t break your chains,break away from here.你无法挣脱枷锁,无法从这里逃离。

I'm killing them all 我杀了他们所有人,
I've put my soul on the line 我让自己的灵魂时刻处于备战状态。
I purify sins that I've committed in life 我将自己生时的一切罪孽都赎清了。
I follow them all 我跟在这些人的后面,
And I'll be bringing them down 我会消减他们嚣张的气焰。
Wherever they go,I'm right behind 无论他们去哪里,我都准备好了去跟随。

There's nowhere to go ,your head on the line 你已经无路可逃,你的头颅即将不保。
There is no rope, you're running out of time 你已经无计可施,因为你的时间已经用尽。
So where will you go when I will murder you so无论你逃到哪里,我都会照样杀死你。

