A Japanese geisha of gore with a penchant for rough sex,
Forced into hard prostitution and a world of bloody brothels,
She dines on desire and ate rape and syphilis for breakfast,
A slut whore and caponizer-of-cock who all men should fear.
Around his neck, she wraps her obi sash,
Choking him out while fingering her gash,
Ligatures add pleasure to erotic asphyxia,
A killing and castration aroused paraphilia.
He came for the last time the moment he strangled to death,
His brain received no oxygen and genital blood flow ceased,
But the insane bitch took her prize with a sharp kitchen knife,
Traveling around for days with a severed penis and scrotum.
Around his neck, she wraps her obi sash,
Choking him out while fingering her gash,
Sada the psycho queen of guru-nansensu,
Ruler of some erotic-grotesque-nonsense genre,
Carving her name into the flesh of a gelded man,
Blood words before stealing his member and balls.
She strangled her paramour and kept his most intimate parts,
Only she could selfishly enjoy these slain reproductive organs,
But his bloodless, amputated prick sustained erectile problems,
The impotent, truncated organ, soft inside her mouth and cunt.
Ligatures add pleasure to erotic asphyxia,
Death and castration aroused a paraphilia.