Strawberry Hill

Strawberry Hill的吉他谱


Strawberry Hill的歌词

Get your thrills on strawberry hill
In all your worlds the berries will fill
It’ll make your pain taste sweeter
It’s when the time stands still, it’ll lean on your will
Let the juices soak the memories to kill
And we’ll drink it by the liter

And nobody smiles, that we laugh so hard
Nobody cries, or hides their scars
We just fall so far…
It's alright, it's okay
No I don’t think I’m coming down
It’s alright, it's okay
Now eat this fruit from the ground
It’s alright, it's okay
Yeah, see what I have found
Strawberry hill, on strawberry hill
Where nothing matters

Fill your glass, rest your feet
Empty cheers and a great defeat
It’s a party and it’s on repeat
No one’s here on their own free will
Something chased them up this hill
And we won’t come down till we forget what’s below

Nobody smiles, that we laugh so hard
Nobody cries or hides their scars
We just fall so far…
It's alright, it's okay
And I don’t think I’m coming down
It’s alright, it's okay
Now eat this fruit from the ground
It’s alright, it's okay
Yeah, see what I have found
Strawberry hill, on strawberry hill
Where nothing matters



JunLin. 2016-5-2 | 悬赏中 拨片:10 回复
a1120254731 2016-5-1 | 悬赏中 拨片:54 回复
我只有这么点拨片了 全给了 我真的很喜欢这首歌 这个对我也很重要 有没有大神可以好好扒一下 真的 很感谢!!!
