


Roswell 47-Hypocrisy
Their freedom was taken away as they crashed
to be a project of search
The experiment will make sure
It won't last
All expect starlight once
The alien shot ship at was because national security
Was in jeopardy
They say a weather balloon crashed,
So we know it's bullshit
We have the right to know what really happened in
Roswell 47!
Shipping back pieces to hanger,
to slowly put it together
To find new weapon technology,
and maybe answer how to live forever
The fatal spread disease,
Chaos and confusion
The energy physics long will be worth,
That's why we have the right to really know what happened,
Roswell 47!
They picked him as the offers in play, might try to really happen
They lost control,
And crashed in Roswell 1947... 1947!

