せめてやさしいそのぬくもりに抱かれて 咲かせて/至少讓我依偎在那溫柔之中 徜徉其中
Just call my name (I wanna be there with you)/呼喚我的名字吧(我願與你同在)
So call my name (I wanna be free so free)/就這樣呼喚我的名字吧(我想解脫再解脫)
散りゆくひとひらを (After a while, I get worn down down down)/請把那片雜亂(過了一會兒 我愈來愈來愈疲累)
結んで下さい (I wanna be there with you, I wanna be free so free.)/結合為一(我願與你同在 我想解脫再解脫)
あなたのその腕で (After a while, I get worn down down down)/就用你的那雙手(過了一會兒 我愈來愈來愈疲累)
Could you get me out of this cipher?/你能將我從這密碼中解放嗎?
わたしの声は ちゃんと聞こえる?/你有清楚地聽到我的聲音嗎?
あなたの想う わたしじゃなくても/就算你所想的不是我
Just call my name/呼喚我的名字吧
So call my name/就這樣呼喚我的名字吧
数えて下さい あなたのその胸で/在你心裡數個清楚
Could you get me out of this cipher?/你能將我從這密碼中解放嗎?
Just call my name/呼喚我的名字吧
So call my name/就這樣呼喚我的名字吧
結んで下さい あなたのその腕で/用你的那雙手結合為一
Just call my name/呼喚我的名字吧
So call my name/就這樣呼喚我的名字吧
沈んでいきたい あなたのその胸へ/希望我能沉浸在你心中
Could you get me out of this cipher?/你能將我從這密碼中解放嗎?
A broken robot keeps having an impossible dream
And he still wonders in his deep delusion
Can I become your hope?
So what should Ido?
For how much daylight do I have to wait?
Don't look back on your way
'Cos I wish could be with you, and I want to escape from here
The flowers are fated to wither, after all they bloom in the end
In the end
Just call my name (I wanna be there with you)
So call my name (I wanna be free so free)
Before I forget all of you (After a while, I get worn down down down)
Just feel of you (I wanna be there with you)
I feel for you (I wanna be free so free)
Only you give me Ihe will to live (After a while, I get worn down down down)
Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?
Could you get me out of this cipher?
I can't avoid noises It is sticking on me
Can you clearly hear the sounds that I make?
Don't turn your eyes away
Even if I've changed compare me when I stayed with you
I can not return to the places that I have been nevermore
Just call my name
So call my name
How much hope in the world am I allowed?
Just fee
I feel for you
Don' want to give you up anymore
Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?
Please Could you get me out of this cipher?
Just call my name
So call my name
Before I forget all of you
Just feel of you
I feel for you
Only you give me the will to live
Just call my name
So call my name
How much hope in the world am I allowed?
I'm missing you
So missing you
Don't want to give you up anymore
Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?
Could you get me out of this cipher?