Introducing Me的吉他谱

Introducing Me的歌词

I, I'm good at wasting time
我 我擅长浪费时间

I think lyrics need to rhyme

And you're not asking

But I'm trying to grow a moustache

I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please
我吃奶酪 但仅仅限于披萨上的 拜托啦

And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla

Otherwise it smells like feet to me

And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail
我 我真的很喜欢月牙形的月亮

And I love you when you say my name

If you wanna know

Here it goes

Gonna tell you this

The part of me that'll show if you're close
对你展示我的喜恶 如果你愿意靠近我的话

Gonna let you see everything

But remember that you asked for it
但记住 这是你问我要的~

I'll try to do my best to impress

But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
但这会简单一些 如果你将剩下的部分猜出来 =D

But you wanna hear what lives in my brain

My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
亲爱的 你会要求去聆听么?

At times confusing, slightly amusing
有时会很令人困扰呢 也有些有趣

Introducing me
这样 介绍我自己

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
La la la la
La la la la la la la la, da

I never trust a dog to watch my food

And I like to use to the word "dude"
而且我喜欢用 家伙 这个词 (dude和guy一样 就像中文里你叫 喂一样)

As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective
把dude用作名词 副词 或者形容词

And I've never really been into cars

I like really cool guitars and superheroes

And checks with lots of zeros on 'em
恩 我还喜欢面额大的支票

I love the sound of violins

And making someone smile
我也喜欢 让人微笑 (这里指那个女生 忘了她叫什么名字了)

If you wanna know

Here it goes

Gonna tell you this

The part of me that'll show if you're close
对你展示我的喜恶 如果你愿意靠近我的话

Gonna let you see everything

But remember that you asked for it
但记住 这是你问我要的~

I'll try to do my best to impress

But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
但这会简单一些 如果你将剩下的部分猜出来 =D

But you wanna hear what lives in my brain

My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
亲爱的 你会要求去聆听么?

At times confusing, slightly amusing
有时会很令人困扰呢 也有些有趣
Introducing me
这样 介绍我自己

Well, you probably know more than you ever wanted to
好吧 你可能已经知道的比你曾经想要知道的多了
So be careful when you ask next time
所以啊 下次再问我的时候要小心哦

So if you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, hopefully amusing
Introducing me

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo doo doo

Introducing me



葫芦娃123 2015-4-11 | 悬赏中 拨片:5
