EC-401 - BLACK


As part of the 400 series, LTD’s EC-401 is built to last and perform for even the most demanding professional musician, and features EMG 81/60 active pickups. The EC-401 is ready to handle any kind of music where guitar gets pushed to the forefront. It has a set-neck design for comfortable, fast access to the higher frets, and a mahogany body, 3 pc. mahogany neck, and pau ferro fingerboard. It also includes high-quality Grover tuners, and is available in three great finishes: Black, Olympic White, and Military Green Satin.

EC-401 - BLACK 的参数

分类 电吉他
型号 EC-401 - BLACK
漆面 Black
琴体 桃花心木
琴颈 3Pc Mahogany
指板 Pau Ferro
有效弦长 24.75
琴颈连接方式 SetThru
指板弧度 350mm
琴枕宽度 42mm
Nut Type Molded
Neck Contour Thin U
Frets/Type 24 XJ
硬件颜色 Black
琴颈背带钉 Standard
弦钮 Grover
琴桥 TOM & Tailpiece
Neck PU EMG 60
Bridge PU EMG 81
拾音器 Active
Electronics Layout Vol/Vol/Tone/Toggle Switch
Case Included N

EC-401 - BLACK 的视频


EC-401 - BLACK 的图片

EC-401 - BLACK 的帖子


EC-401 - BLACK 的二手乐器

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