Seaside Soprano Ukulele


When it's time to kick back and relax by the ocean, your Seaside Ukulele is always ready with inspiring style and sound. Compact, comfortable and easily portable, this soprano uke is ideal for beginning players or anyone looking to add its light, joyful sound to their music. The slim "C"-shaped neck profile is comfortable and easy to move around on, while the no-tie bridge makes changing strings a breeze. Crafted from mahogany for warm, bell-like tone, the Seaside's open-pore finish gives it an organic look. The top, back and fingerboard bindings add a touch of elegance, while the traditional 2x2 headstock is sure to appeal to uke aficionados of all kinds. Get away from the daily grind and let relaxing waves of sound take you somewhere inspiring – your Seaside Ukulele will be ready.

Seaside Soprano Ukulele 的参数

分类 尤克里里
价格 $89.99
型号 Seaside Soprano Ukulele
系列 California Coast Ukuleles系列
琴弦 Standard Soprano Uke
型号编码 0971620522
琴体背板 Laminated Mahogany
Body Sides Laminated Mahogany
琴体面板 Laminated Mahogany
琴体漆面 Satin
琴体包边 Cream
琴体形状 Soprano Ukulele
音梁 Fan
琴颈材料 Nato
琴颈包边 Cream
琴颈漆面 Satin
有效弦长 13.6 (345 mm)
指板材料 Laminated Hardwood
指板弧度 Flat
品数 16
Fret Size 1.5mm
上弦枕材料 Bone
琴枕宽度 1.375 (35 mm)
Position Inlays Dot
琴桥 Laminated Hardwood
硬件漆面 Chrome
弦钮 OpenBack Geared
Other Features This product comes in a master pack of 4.
Legal Notice Product Prices, Features, Specifications and Availability Are Subject To Change Without Notice
Case/Gig Bag

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