

Semi-hollowbody electric guitars are loved for their rich tonal character and versatility, spanning genres from rock to jazz to country. Our T3 Series builds on that diverse musical heritage with innovative Taylor design strokes to enhance the playing experience further. It starts with proprietary pickups. Our standard setup features high-definition humbuckers, with optional vintage alnicos that respond with extra warmth. Three-way switching covers full neck, neck/bridge, and full bridge configurations, while a coil-splitting application (pulling up the volume knob) transforms the humbuckers into single coil pickups. Roll the tone knob to boost the mids and pull it up to activate another level of control that dials in mellow warmth without giving up clarity. All T3 models feature a chrome roller-style bridge paired with a stop tailpiece (T3/B models incorporate a Bigsby vibrato tailpiece). The guitar top is layered, figured maple, with several color/burst options: Natural (standard), Ruby Red Burst, Black, Orange, Tobacco Sunburst and Honey Sunburst. White binding around the neck and body, including our f-hole cutouts, supplies a crisp finishing touch. Note: maple tops will feature either flamed or quilted figure based on availability.

T3 的参数

分类 电吉他
型号 T3
系列 T3
有效弦长 247/8
弦枕 Tusq (Stoptail)
音梁 None
Truss Rod Cover Black Plastic
护板 None
品数 21
弦钮 Taylor Nickel
琴箱 Taylor T5 Hardshell Black
Brand of Strings Elixir Light Electric
琴体长度 None
琴体宽度 None
琴体深度 None
Binding/Edge Treatment White
面板漆面 Gloss
Back Config None
Backstrap Finish None
音孔装饰尺寸 None
琴桥镶嵌 None
背板/侧板漆面 Gloss
Armrest Binding None
Backstrap Wood None
Rosette Mat None
Stain/Sunburst Black
Wedge None
Armrest no
琴颈宽度 111/16
指板镶嵌 4mm Dots
Fretboard Binding/Edge Treatment White
Heel Cap Binding None
Type of Neck Joint Scarf
琴颈/琴踵 Sapele
指板木材 乌木
琴颈漆面 Gloss
琴踵长度 None
琴栓漆面 Gloss
琴栓包边 White
Peghead Type Standard
琴栓镶边丝 None
Headstock Overlay 乌木
琴栓镶嵌 None
Peghead Logo Taylor Mother of Pearl
固弦锥 None
Buttons Chrome
Fingerboard Ext None
Edge Trim None

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