

One of the distinctive traits of maple as a tonewood is its sonic transparency, which makes it wonderfully player-reflective. On this maple/spruce 614ce, a torrefied (specially roasted) Sitka spruce top and our tone-enhancing V-Class bracing take that natural versatility to a whole new level. Whatever the player brings to the guitar comes through—it can be played to sound warm or bright. The roasting process for the top elicits a more played-in tone, and together with the V-Class bracing gives the player a more expressive tool in the form of increased dynamic range, greater projection, longer sustaining notes, and more harmonic agreement with chords up the entire fretboard. The 614ce also stands out as one of the most touch-sensitive models in the entire Taylor acoustic line. Whether you play fingerstyle arrangements or strum in alternate tunings, whatever your preferred musical style, this guitar pays musical dividends on what you put into it. Aesthetic touches include a hand-rubbed Brown Sugar stain that highlights the rich figure of the maple back and sides, along with ebony binding, a paua abalone rosette trimmed with ebony and ivoroid, and our Wings fretboard and peghead inlays in grained ivoroid. The guitar ships with ES2 electronics in a deluxe hardshell case.

614ce 的参数

分类 民谣吉他
型号 614ce
系列 600系列
弦钮 Taylor Nickel
有效弦长 251/2
拾音器 Expression System® 2
Shapes Grand Auditorium
Cutaways Venetian Cutaway
音梁 VClass with Relief Rout
弦枕 Black Graphite, Micarta saddle
Truss Rod Cover West African Ebony
护板 Macassar Ebony
品数 20
琴箱 Taylor Deluxe Hardshell Brown
Brand of Strings Elixir Phosphor Bronze Light
琴体长度 20
琴体宽度 16
琴体深度 4 5/8
Binding/Edge Treatment West African Ebony
面板漆面 Gloss 4.5
Back Config 2piece No Wedge
Backstrap Finish Gloss
音孔装饰尺寸 2014 800 Series
琴桥镶嵌 None
背板/侧板漆面 Gloss 4.5
Armrest Binding None
Backstrap Wood Match Binding
Rosette Mat Ebony/Ivoroid/Paua/Ivoroid/Ebony
Stain/Sunburst Brown Sugar
Wedge None
Armrest no
琴颈宽度 13/4
指板镶嵌 Grained Ivoroid Wings
Fretboard Binding/Edge Treatment West African Ebony
Heel Cap Binding West African Ebony
Type of Neck Joint Scarf
琴颈/琴踵 Tropical Mahogany
指板木材 West African Ebony
琴颈漆面 Satin
琴踵长度 31/2
琴栓漆面 Gloss
琴栓包边 None
Peghead Type Standard
琴栓镶边丝 Ivoroid
Headstock Overlay West African Ebony
琴栓镶嵌 Grained Ivoroid Wings
Peghead Logo Grained Ivoroid
固弦锥 West African Ebony
Fingerboard Ext None
Edge Trim None

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614ce 的二手乐器

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