

As a winner of 11 GRAMMYs™ and a member of the Billboard™ Hall of Fame, Joan Sebastian is perhaps Mexico’s most famous and celebrated singer/songwriter with a career spanning 35 years and hundreds of songs. Joan draws strength and inspiration from a philosophy driven by three simple beliefs –Faith, Love and Luck. Now, Epiphone and Joan Sebastian unite to create a guitar that incorporates those three beliefs. Presenting the new Joan Sebastian signature Soñador (the Dreamer) acoustic/electric guitar. A Guitar for the Dreamer in All of Us

Soñador 的参数

分类 电吉他
型号 Soñador
系列 Out of Production
琴弦 D’Addario® 12, 16, 25, 34, 41, 53
琴体 桃花心木
琴颈 Set mahogany with dovetail joint with Titebond™ glue
指板 rosewood bridge with pearloid “horseshoe” inlays
有效弦长 25.5
拾音器 AT3000 preamp, with Master Volume control, high and low EQ controls +/12dB. Piezo element
面板 单板西提卡云杉
品数 20 medium jumbo frets
琴头镶嵌 featuring the Cross (Faith), the Heart (Love) and the Horseshoe (Luck)
上弦枕 1.725”
旋钮 Premium 141 diecast machine

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Soñador 的二手乐器


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