Les Paul Studio


Epiphone's long and rich history with legendary guitarist and innovator Les Paul dates back to the early 1940's when Les, working late at night at the Epiphone factory on 14th St. in New York City, created the world's first solid body electric guitar, better known as "The Log." Over the years, Les continued to work closely with Epiphone luthiers reviewing new product ideas and offering suggestions. It was also Les' timely call to Gibson in the late '50s that saved the company for future generations when he encouraged friend and innovator Ted McCarty to rescue and Epiphone and bring the company into the Gibson family of instruments. “Epiphone always made a good guitar,” Les liked to say fondly. The Les Paul Studio was an important innovation of Les Paul’s classic dream guitar. As the name implies, the Les Paul Studio was intended for studio musicians who desired a basic, unadorned Les Paul that weighed less than standard models. Introduced in the early ‘80s, the Les Paul Studio instantly became a favorite for Les Paul lovers of all ages. The Epiphone Les Paul Studio offers Les Paul fans a classic favorite that has lost none of its bite and can easily take on Les Pauls from any era. Like every Epiphone, the Epiphone Les Paul Studio features our Limited Lifetime Warranty backed by world famous 24/7/365 Gibson Customer Service. Visit your favorite Authorized Epiphone Dealer today and check out the legendary Les Paul Studio.

Les Paul Studio 的参数

分类 电吉他
型号 Les Paul Studio
系列 Les Paul
颜色 Ebony (EB), Arctic Blue (AB), Worn Brown (WB), Worn Cherry (WC)
琴弦 D’Addario® 10, 13, 17, 26, 36, 46
琴体 桃花心木
琴颈 Handset, mahogany
有效弦长 24.75”
拾音器 Open Coil Alnico Classic Humbuckers
指板镶嵌 Dot
琴枕宽度 1.68”
Tailpiece Locking Tuneomatic™/Stopbar
Typical Weight (+/ 5%) 8.8 lbs

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