EBG808C MicFix


The signature guitar of guitar maestro Michael Fix.
The Michael Fix signature model was developed with Michael and is designed to complement his playing style. The combination of a “AAA” Sitka Spruce soundboard, Ebony fingerboard and bridge and solid Queensland Maple back, sides and neck produces a tone that is rich, full, well balanced and with the glassy highs essential to Michael’s tone.

EBG808C MicFix 的参数

分类 民谣吉他
型号 EBG808c MicFix
系列 EBG系列
琴弦 Elixir Nanoweb Phosphor Bronze 1253.
面板 AAA Grade Sitka Spruce
琴颈 Select
有效弦长 64.77cm (25.5)
拾音器 AP5Pro
琴体形状 808 W/Cutaway
背侧板 昆士兰枫木
指板 & 琴桥 乌木
音梁 Scalloped Maton X
面板镶嵌/音孔装饰 Herringbone
音孔 95mm
内部包边 Triple Pinstripe
外部包边 黑相思木
Headstock Veneer Keyhole w/ 2mm Blackwood Veneer, Mother of Pearl Logo
品丝 Dunlop 6260
品数 21
指板弧度 304.8mm (12)
琴枕宽度 44.1mm (1.736 1 47/64)
14品处指板宽度 55mm (2.165 2 11/64)
指板镶嵌 Mother of Pearl Snowflakes
背侧板漆面 Satin/Natural
面板漆面 Satin/Natural
固弦锥 Ivory ABS
旋钮 Gold Grover Rotomatic
护板 Tortoiseshell with Gold M
背带钉 Gold
弦枕 Bone
琴箱 Standard Maton Hardcase

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