Forever Young


Forever Young专辑介绍

2003年夏天,知名矿泉水品牌Evian耗资三百万欧元在法、德、英展开跨国电视造势活动,广告主题曲别出心裁由几个小学生演唱皇后合唱团经典 “WE WILL ROCK YOU”。童音立刻征服法国佬,单曲一推出迅速攻占法国排行榜亚军,短短两个礼拜内狂销五十万张,并盘据TOP 5整整六星期;不仅风靡各舞场,电台点播率也居高不下!法国环球唱片因此企划发行这张由小朋友翻唱80年代金曲的可爱合辑:首选必收Evian矿泉水横扫法/德/英跨国广告曲“WE WILL ROCK YOU”,还有“SHOUT”、“WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN”、 “FOREVER YOUNG”、“SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO”…等。 This is a fantastic cd featuring the voices of children singing some great rock songs. As strange as that may sound it works perfectly. It has recently got alot of airplay on the Gerry Anderson radio ulster show and it is brill. Buy it people, it comes recommended by the great man himself otherwise known as turkey neck and leather face, praise from such an eejit is praise indeed. In all seriousness though it is absolutely brilliant : )


Forever Young专辑歌曲

disc 1
