Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited

艺人:Various Artists

Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited专辑介绍

非一般乐评:Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited(06/03/06)

Jane Birkin:“Tant pis pour les vieux, ce sont de jeunes artistes en vogue qui ont repris l'affaire, et c'est très bien comme ça! Cet album-hommage, c'est parfait, car l'obsession de Serge était d'être connu des plus jeunes”。

她说得对。整张致敬专辑《Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited》里面出现的名字都是当红的年轻乐队。老人家是不会对Serge Gainsbourg感兴趣的。此处的“老”跟年纪关联不大。你也许20出头,可你的心未必。谁又敢说Marianne Faithful和Françoise Hardy老?

尽管离世多年,貌似过时,但在他的许多作品里面,至今仍回味得到后人无法抵达的前卫。连Geoff Barrow和Adrian Utley都说,Portishead受《l'Histoire de Melody Nelson》影响巨大。是的。几年前听到这张70年代的老唱片时,我惊异地发现其中弥漫着类似Trip-hop的颓美情绪和性感节奏。即便我听不懂任何一句,也觉得法语由这个低调的男声讲出来,特别诱人。他涉猎的音乐类型之广也真是叹为听止!

其实对于法国以外的人来说,与我们一样,最初接触到的Monsieur Gainsbourg都是“Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus”。数十年前,这样一首肆意的作品,令这些Anglo-saxonnes,如获至宝般,从此便逐一收藏甘先生的唱片,潜移默化地“中毒”。当他们也开始做音乐,才真正意识到自己的人生因甘先生而改变非小。

熟悉的曲子,填上了英文歌词,反而有些怪。习惯问题。翻译甘先生的歌词应该颇耗脑汁吧?其实全部的cover versions并非我想象的那么令人激动。参差不齐。也可能是个人偏见。我急性子嘛!应多听听再下定论。

跳着听的。第一首自然是我最最最爱的Portishead。掰着手指小算一下,这三个大懒鬼已经9年没出唱片了(Beth单飞那张虽然也很极品,且有Adrian坐镇客串,但不算乐队的功课啦!),我等得花儿开了又谢了,哭~所以这支“Requiem For Anna”可是珍贵的录音喔!我们在里面听到的是Beth前所未有的低沉嗓音!乍听着实吓到我了!Repeat了N+1遍才敢确信,这是如假包换的Beth。莫非她试图效仿Marianne Faithful把自己变成“女烟嗓No 2”?抑或“嗓音”也是向甘先生致敬的一部分?用心良苦啊!

“Requiem Pour Un Con”的另一cover是Faultline、Brian Molko及Françoise Hardy。之前还听过包括Vanessa Paradis在内的好几个翻唱,比较中意的是电子版《I Love Serge》里的那个。值得一提的是,英文的译词十分贴切传神。(扯一句:我的Thème啥时候才能达到这火候啊?叹气~)

Tricky这家伙可真是久违了。此人归隐了是怎么着?咋一直没动静呢?最近一次看到他那张难看却亲切的脸似乎是在电影《Clean》里面。“Good-bye Emmanuelle”让我重温了他极具个人色彩的Trip-hop:暗淡的节奏背景、忽远忽近的女声、略显阴恶的独白。暂可忽视歌词为何,总之是我喜欢的Tricky。

Gainsbourg有相当可观的作品是Raggae。即便我对这种音乐始终不感冒。偶尔为之也未尝不可。却没想到是Marianne Faithful。她是JB的朋友,也因此与甘先生有几面之缘。看她回忆起当年的点滴,八卦的我立马满心问号:咦,他俩居然没搭上?好可惜。不然又是一段“belle histoire d'amour”。那么美丽的Marianne!又或者那时她已为Mick Jagger所霸占?……

REM也很久没交功课了吧?精选辑不算啦!Michael Stipe这位领头的大闲人该打PP的说!“L'hôtel Particulier”是《l'Histoire de Melody Nelson》里面我比较喜欢的一曲。并非我偏心,Michael的翻唱真的不输Gainsbourg。且把原作的浓烈黑白片配乐的风格延续得不错。

Jarvis Cocker,又一个几乎销声匿迹的名字。尽管他还年轻。但号称听Brit-pop的新生代,不知道Pulp为何方妖孽的大有人在。可悲!是和Kid Loco的合作。后者曾为Pulp做过一些remix。“Je Suis Venu te Dire Que Je M'en Vais”是首悲伤的歌。我爱在散步时卡拉圈K它。Jane Birkin的版本无与伦比。所幸的是,Jarvis的嗓音很美,也很诗意。

之前提过Cat Power在法国有多红。并非空穴来风。媒体甚至封她为“Indie女王”(啮啮别吃醋哦~哈哈~)。个人觉得未免名过其实。虽然我也喜欢过她早期好几张唱片,可是“女王”还轮不到她。把“Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus”这么重要的作品交与她,足见法国人对她多偏心。不过还好她不辱使命。两个女声的暧昧并不比当年的“异性恋”版差。那份酥软到骨子里的抒情,却只有女子才可以。挖,正中某些人的下怀吧?嘿嘿~切莫对号入座:)

《Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited》的头一项公德:将甘先生唱到更多陌生人的耳朵里。第二项公德:聚集了一堆优秀却渐为听者遗忘的艺人。

The mystique of Serge Gainsbourg still hangs in the air, like smoke from a Gitane, and 15 years after his death, the self proclaimed "cabbage-headed sex maniac" still exerts a phenomenal amount of charisma and influence over the pop world. Prime example — Verve Forecast's timely tribute, Monsieur Gainsbourg: Revisited. It's a tribute album with a twist, though, as all of the songs have been meticulously translated into English, many for the first time. The sheer variety of the contributors here should give some indication of the universal influence the man still holds. From Jarvis Cocker to Marianne Faithfull, Michael Stipe to Marc Almond, Franz Ferdinand to Cat Power — the lineup is nearly as diverse as the man's career was and, duly, the material covered here comes from nearly every corner of Gainsbourg's catalog. Unlike many collections of his work, Revisited doesn't dwell on his infamously racy selections (although there is the requisite "Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus" appearance, à la Cat Power and Karen Elson, and trip-hop's own "dirty old man" Tricky lays the musk on pretty thick for his sweaty take on "Goodbye Emmanuelle." Instead, the focus is more heavily on Gainsbourg's introspective, melancholy side (Michael Stipe's refreshing and impressively sincere reading of "L'Hotel Particullier" is a standout in that arena, as is Carla Bruni's "Those Little Things"). Alongside the melancholy, there is a good amount of just plain fun to be had as well. Faultline, Brian Molko, and Françoise Hardy's "Requiem for a Jerk" and Gonzales, Feist, and Dani's "Boomerang 2005" bring self-conscious chuckles and booty-shaking, respectively, into the mix, while the Rakes and Kills selections bring on the bravado. In a situation where any number of factors could have sent this project careening down the wrong tracks, Verve Forecast managed to wrangle it all in and offer a tribute that is reverent, representational, serious, and fun, all at the same time.


Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited专辑歌曲

disc 1
