唱片公司:XL Recordings


★关于与自己和解,关于弥补消逝的时光。葛莱美 / 全英音乐奖 / 奥斯卡金像奖 / 金球奖流行天后完美回归
★首支单曲〈Hello〉横扫102国iTunes冠军,【亲爱妈咪】【听妈妈的话】加拿大天才导演Xavier Dolan操刀MV首日创下2770万点播纪录
★〈Rolling in the Deep〉葛莱美搭档Paul Epworth再度携手合作,力邀告示牌冠军天王Bruno Mars、葛莱美得主Max Martin(Taylor Swift、Katy Perry)、Greg Kurstin(Ellie Goulding、Lana Del Rey、Sia)、嘻哈怪杰Danger Mouse,新生代英伦钢琴才子Tobias Jesso Jr.连手打造。

「上一张专辑关于分手,如果要这张专辑下一个批注,我会说是它是一张和解/弥补的作品。」─ Adele

Adele has finally locked in the date for her official return, as she announced this morning that her long-awaited new album, 25, will be released on Nov. 20. Along with the date, Adele revealed the cover for the project, which follows in the same pattern as her two previous albums, 19 and 21. With the release of the album less than a month away, Adele will debut her new single titled "Hello" tomorrow, as well as the video for the song, which was directed by Xavier Dolan.

Not much else is known about the album, but Adele shared some hints towards the direction of the project via a letter that she posted on Twitter yesterday. Previously, Pharrell revealed that he worked with Adele on the album, but it's unclear exactly how much, or what they worked on. Check out the full tracklist for the album below.



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