American Highway Flower


American Highway Flower专辑介绍

by Brad Kohlenstein

Dada's debut album, Puzzle, was a substantial success and had critics billing them as a promising new addition to the alternative rock scene. The follow-up album feels like exactly that, a follow-up. Coming as a disappointment to many who were awaiting its arrival, American Highway Flower lacks the memorable songs that made Puzzle a hit. Less effective lyrics and more generic composition make it seem like a forced attempt to maintain momentum. Fortunately, Dada is talented enough to remain interesting and even just more of the same is worth listening to. As agile musicians, they still sound bigger than a three-man band. Their disciplined use of harmony is a rare find in the alt-rock world, and continues to define their sound. The album is a bit heavier at times, with "Feet to the Sun" and "Pretty Girls Make Graves" as its strongest tracks. While somewhat of a letdown, American Highway Flower does little to diminish Dada's potential. They are still a band worth watching.


American Highway Flower专辑歌曲

disc 1
