Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Official Soundtrack Box Set)(侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市 官方原声带豪华版)

唱片公司:Epic Records

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Official Soundtrack Box Set)专辑介绍




风格:Heavy metal, Hard rock, Thrash metal, Glam metal

快速的说话,漂亮的滑步,被事业迷住的DJ Lazlow是一个相信他自己正在通向事业顶端的人。他喜欢摇滚式的生活,虽然他实际上的生活并不是这样,而且每天早上对着镜子崇拜自己。他失去了最好的朋友,不顾死活的来保持自己的焦点位置。他相信收音机可以给他带来财富和女人,但不幸的是,看起来他的自私正是使他的摇滚事业中断的原因。只有时间来证明他的才华了。

Wave 103

风格:New Wave, Synthpop


Emotion 98.3

风格:Power ballads, Rock

Fernando Martinez是一个天才,一个情感的炼金术士和一个心理辅导家。当他带你到人类灵魂的心灵深处旅行的时候请让他向你展示他的魔力,他能驱散你心中的乌云,给你心灵上强大的触动。Fernando向人们解释生命中的十字路口,爱情和音乐在这个精彩的电台中比语言更能表达内心的声音。当他还是一个小男孩的时候,Fernando只想要一件事,以他能做到的任何方式把人们带到一起并从中谋利。现在,他的美梦终于成真。

Flash FM

风格:Pop music


Wildstyle Pirate Radio

风格:Old school hip-hop, Electro

Magic先生是讲究内心真是感觉的先锋,他曾经是无线广播中轻音乐第一人。在Wildstyle Pirate电台,Magic先生为所有80年代初的少男少女主持着他所开创的轻音乐。交通事故播报,犯罪事件播报,我们重复地被告诉“在一个秘密地点”。Magic当时在纽约也主持每周秀吗?

Fever 105

风格:Disco, Soul, R&B

在“女士杀手”Oliver Biscuit的生活中只有两件事是重要的:吃和把马子。重300磅,平均每星期搞35个女人(不包括双胞胎)......他主持Fever 105已经几年了,喜欢穿宽松的汗衫,非常非常的能吃。炸油圈饼,一点舞曲迪斯科,15个热狗,一个大宴会,不停做爱,这些是组成梦的原料。

Radio Espantoso

风格:Latin jazz, Salsa

作为古巴帮的一员,DJ Pepe最喜欢去附近的披萨店买披萨。当古巴帮和海地帮火并时,Pepe还协助Tommy抢到一辆Voodoo。尽管主持电台只是他的业余爱好,但他的电台仍然每年高居出租车收听率榜首,这也是最令他自豪的一点。


As with everything involved with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the game's soundtrack is epic in scope and incredibly detailed. Though countless games have offered soundtracks, GTA: Vice City offers a unique twist on the format: Its soundtrack has seven volumes, one apiece for Vice City's radio stations. Though games such as Jet Grind Radio and Jet Set Radio Future also revolved around the concept of soundtrack-as-radio-station, GTA: Vice City's soundtrack is the most ambitious — and impressive — realization of this idea yet, offering DJs with distinctive personalities, tailored track listings, and realistic bumpers, voice-overs, and commercials. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Box Set collects all seven volumes into a sprawling, almost overwhelming set that spans the heavy metal of volume one, the new wave of volume two, volume three's soft rock, volume four's pop hits, volume five's hip-hop and electro, volume six's funk and urban hits, and the Latin jazz of volume seven. Several of the discs — volumes one, five, and seven in particular — are solid enough collections of their styles of music that they match, if not surpass, many "serious" collections of metal, hip-hop, and Latin music. The bumpers, voice-overs, and commercials on each of the volumes give a good idea of the DJ and radio stations' personalities, and help further blend the line between fantasy and reality in the game. Grand Theft Auto fanatics may want to buy the box set instead of purchasing each volume individually to get all of the Windows- and Mac-compatible multimedia material, which includes wallpaper, screenshots, screensavers, movie clips, and most importantly, the unique cheat codes that come on each disc. The cheats do everything from turning all the cars pink to making Vice City's skies perpetually sunny to unlocking a variety of weapons, making Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Box Set equally entertaining and useful for the die-hard GTA: Vice City gamer.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Official Soundtrack Box Set)专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 5
